find all available relationship names: MATCH ()-[r]-() RETURN DISTINCT type(r) find all actors: MATCH (a)-[:ACTED_IN]-(:Movie) RETURN DISTINCT for each actor, count the movies they played in: MATCH (a)-[:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) RETURN, count (m) AS cnt find all directors: MATCH (d)-[:PRODUCED]-(:Movie) RETURN DISTINCT LIST processing: for each movie m and actor a performing multiple roles in m, display these roles by printing "was role1, was role2, ...": MATCH (a)-[e:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) WHERE size (e.roles) > 1 RETURN m.title,, [r in e.roles | "was " + r] for each movie m and actor a performing multiple roles in m, display "a was role1 in m, a was role2 in m, ...": MATCH (a)-[e:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) WHERE size (e.roles) > 1 RETURN [r in e.roles | + " was " + r + " in " + m.title] for each movie m and actor a performing multiple roles in m, display "a was role1 and was role2 ... in the movie m": MATCH (a)-[e:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) WHERE size (e.roles) > 1 RETURN reduce ( + " was " + head (e.roles), r in tail (e.roles) | s + " and was " + r) + " in the movie " + m.title record fact that two persons know each other when they have worked in the same movie: MATCH (p1:Person)-[]->(m:Movie)<-[]-(p2:Person) CREATE (p1)-[:KNOWS]->(p2) find persons at most 3 degrees of separation away from Kevin Bacon: MATCH (kevin:Person {name:'Kevin Bacon'})-[:KNOWS*1..3]-(p:Person) RETURN find persons at most 3 degrees of separation away from Kevin Bacon, and display their degree of separation (order by increasing distance) MATCH path = shortestPath ((kevin:Person {name:'Kevin Bacon'})-[:KNOWS*1..3]-(p:Person)) WHERE p <> kevin RETURN AS person, length (path) AS degree ORDER BY degree