- Instructor: Alin Deutsch, lastname at cs dot ucsd dot edu -Office Hours: 4:00-5:00 on teaching days, 1:30-2:30 on non-teaching Saturdays
- TA: Archit Aggarwal, a1aggarw at cs dot ucsd dot edu
- Office Hours:
- Place: Rady School of Management, room 1S114 (on teaching days)
Announcements and Discussion Forum
Please sign up here for the course’s Piazza page. This is our main tool for regular announcements, homework distribution, and discussion.
Prior exposure to SQL (either in an introductory db class or programming experience, OK if only cursory)
The recommended textbook is “Database Systems: the Complete Book” by H. Garcia-Molina, J. Ullman and J. Widom.
Topics Covered
This course covers the fundamentals of relational database management, with particular emphasis on
- Relational Data Model
- Database Design
- Query Processing
- Performance tuning (indexing, materialized views)
- Column Stores
- Parallel Databases (includes the Map-Reduce programming paradigm)
- Datalog (time permitting)
There will be 4 programming assignments, 2 written homeworks, a class participation grade and a final.