edX web site

You will do your out of class work on edX edge:

  • edX-edge for DSE230
  • All students in DSE230 should have student accounts on the site.
  • You are suggested to watch the videos and answer the questions on the web site before the corresponding class



The final grade will consist of:

  • 50% average of best 6 out of 8 Programming assignments.
  • 10% average of quizzes on edX, after dropping the bottom 2.
  • 10% in class quizes.
  • 30% take-home Final exam.

The grades will be curved so that about 20% of the students will recieve A or A+, about 40% A-, B+ and about 30% B or B-.


  • All communication with the Prof. and TAs takes place through Canvas/Edx Discussion board. Canvas and Edx are also excellent places to seek and give advice with your fellow students.
DSE230 Canvas/Edx