Data Visualization - Winter 2020
Submission instructions | Report format | Grading rubric
Exercise 1 - Etch a sketch
Develop a compelling story about the given data set and then design a visualization to accomplish it. Your design choices must have a rationale.
- Data - README, olympics.csv, olympics.json
- Describe your visualization with a story. Your story may emphasize one of the many aspects for the data, mention which data was left out due to design or story. In the description include design choices of visual elements and data transformation or sorting. How do these decisions facilitate effective communication?
- Tools - Paper/pen. No coding or vis application should be used for this exercise
- Due Date - In class
Exercise 2 - Create a visualization
Develop visualization for a given data.
- Data - README, olympics.csv, olympics.json
- Sample motivation: Explore dominance of winning countries over time, per gender and sport type. You may pick other driving motivation for your project, but these must be non trivial.
- Report (See report format) - Up to 2 pages for individual work and up to 3 pages for group work (additional pages won’t be graded). Describe your visualization. The description may include the motivation for your visualization, and must include which tasks it intends to accomplish. Explain the choice of visual elements and interaction and discuss the expressiveness and effectiveness of your visualization. Note any omitted or supplemental data in the report.
- Tools - D3JS is strongly recommended. However, you may use any programming toolkit/language for this exercise.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - 1am PT, Jan 17, 2019 Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 3 - Apply color maps
Apply different color maps to your visualization solution for exercise #2
- Note: If your exercise 2 solution does not use color in significant way, you must create a new visualization for exercise 2 data using any tool like d3js, Tableau, etc then perform the following tasks.
- Task 1 - Apply different colormaps for your visualization from Exercise #2
- Use colormaps from D3 includes built-in support for colorbrewer to be used with scales.
- Task 2 - Take screenshots of your original visualization from Exercise #2. Test them for three common color deficiencies using one of the websites provided here. Rectify any problems encountered by changing colormap.
- Note: If your original visualization has a single color or simple line plots, create a visualization in Tableau with color and test it for color deficieny
- Report - Up to 2 pages for individual work and up to 3 pages for group work (additional pages won’t be graded). Discuss how colormap changes affect the effectiveness of visualization. Use side by side (or up and down) images of before and after color deficiency correction in the report. Use multiple images as necessary. Refer to report format
- Code not required for submission.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Jan 31, 1am PT Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 4 - Create a visualization
Develop visualization for a given data.
- Data - README, co2-population.csv, co2-population.json, co2-population.xlsx
- Supplemental data (optional) - Geojson for US states, FIPS code for US states. You may also use any other data for augmentation.
- Report - Up to 2 pages for individual work and up to 3 pages for group work (additional pages won’t be graded). Describe your visualization. The description must include the problem that your visualization is attempting to solve, the choice of visual elements and interaction. See report format
- Tools - Tableau is recommended. However, you may use any programming language or software application for this exercise.
- Tableau files must be submitted in twbx format which bakes in the data in the file itself.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Jan 31, 1am PT Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 5 - Visualize a Network
Create a visualization of the provided sheep data. You may create either an adjacency matrix visualization, or a node-link visualization.
- Data -, sheep_ml.graphml
- Tools - Python NetworkX reccomended, D3 force layout may also be used (for node-link visualization).
- Report - Up to 3 pages (anything beyond three pages will not be graded). Discuss the expressiveness and effectiveness of your chosen visual idiom. Describe any findings that can be identified or learned from the visualization. See report format
- Notes - The edge weights are non-symmetric, meaning that the network has directed edges. You are NOT required to visualize the weights on both directions of each edge as this can get very complicated (specifically with node-link visualizations). You are allowed to simply pick one value for each edge.
- Grading - Since implementing interativity with NetworkX solutions is a significant challenge, for NetworkX solutions without interactivity, interactivity points will be awarded in one of two ways:
- If the data is augmented (i.e. extra properties of the data are computed and used for visualization) the interactivity portion of the grade will be assigned to the expressiveness and effectiveness of the visualization of this augmentation (please also discuss the augmentation in your report).
- Otherwise, the interactivity points will be evenly split between the effectiveness and report sections (making them 40% and 30% respectively). This means if you choose not to use interactivity or augmentation, please put extra attention into your report and the justification of the effectiveness of the choices you made in your visualization.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Feb 14th, 1am PT Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 6 - Case Study
Present a research paper (not a blog) or a book chapter (not from course textbooks) on visualization. (Recommended). ** Do not choose papers from machine learning that are not solely focussed on visualization. ** Paper/Book Chaper section below provides several resource to pick research papers.
Identify and analyze two existing visualizations. Present them to the class, discussing their design in terms or expressiveness and effectiveness, utility, key strenghts and weakness. Refer to chapter 15 in the textbook for how to deconstruct the visualization and present it as case study. ** A list of visualization is provided below
Note: Indicate your case study or visualization selection on link here . Do not choose anything that has been already taken by others.
- 10 mins (Presentation) + 5min (QA/discussion). Time limit will be enforced
- Presentation will be graded
- Use your own laptop for presentation (Bring HDMI or VGA adaptor for your laptop)
- Presentation order will be randomly generated and will be noted here
- Slide format: Powerpoint (No report)
- Title slide: Include Visualization(s)/paper title with links and your name.
- Make the slides self contained such that if the web link does not work you could still present.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Feb 14th, 1am PT
Below are a list of sample ideas, although you are not constrained to select from this list. You may pick other visualizations that represent sufficiently complex data. Please avoid choosing trivial visualizations, email us well in advance of deadline if you have any questions on eligibility of your visualization choice for the case study.
- Papers / Book chapters
- Search visualization papers by keywords at for example application, time-series data
- Each chapter in the textbook ends with a set of further reading material that point to several key research papers
- See additional readings on resources page
- TVCG - IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics . These proceedings include the papers presented at the IEEE Visualization conference (Gold standard)
- CG&A - IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
- Euro Vis
- Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization
- Blogs should not be included in case study
- Visualizations (alphabetic listing)
- 538
- A cemetery for our people - The Guardian - Scroll down to “South Texas, a new deadly corridor” interactive widget.
- A day in the life of Americans
- Google+ Ripples
- New York Times
- The Impact of Vaccines
- The refuge project
- Temperature anomalies
- Visualizations by Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg
- Visualizing Boston’s Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA)
- Weather
Exercise 7 - Fix a graphic/visualization
Select two visualizations one from each category from the given list. Identify any problems, then recreate the visualization to fix them.
- List of graphic / visualization
- Report - One page per visualization (anything beyond one page per visualization will not be graded). Describe the problem in chosen graphic and how your solution fixes it. Discuss the expressiveness and effectiveness of your solution. Include side-by-side image of chosen vs your visualization. Interactivity is optional as no code/application file will be submitted. Refer to report format
- Tool - Use any tool you like, even MS Excel.
- Code not required for submission.
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Feb 28, 1am PT Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 8 - Geospatial and Temporal Visualization
Create a visualization to explore the incidents of West Nile Virus across geography (California counties) and time (2006-2015). Discuss the expressiveness and effectiveness of your visualization based on design choices. Identify and report any conclusions drawn about the spread of the virus from your visualization.
- Data - West_Nile_Virus_by_County.csv, West_Nile_Virus_by_County.json
- Tools - Programmatic tool of your choice may be used, but no applications.
- Report - Up to 3 pages (anything beyond three pages will not be graded). Discuss the expressiveness and effectiveness of your chosen visual idiom. Describe any findings that can be identified or learned from the visualization. See report format
- Polls - each student must complete this poll independently
- Due Date - Feb 28, 1am PT Refer to submission instructions
Exercise 9 - Conceptual visualization design (In class exercise)
See piazza post for details
Report Format
- Must be written in third person narrative style
- Letter size page 8 1⁄2 in × 11 in
- One inch margin on all sides
- Font: Times New Roman, size 11pt or 12 pt, you may use larger font size up to 14pt for headings.
- Include your name in header section
- Title in form: “Exercise NN Report: Brief title for the visualization”
- PDF (recommended) or Microsoft Word ONLY
- Sample report 1 and Sample report 2 Note: The sample reports are provided for reference only, they should not be used as template for your reports.
Exercise Grading Rubric
All exercises are graded on scale of 10 points.
- Expressiveness of design (30%)
- Match between choices of visual encodings with properties of data.
- Choice of encodings based on the importance of the data.
- How well the design expresses facts?
- Effectiveness of the solution (30%)
- Does the solution communicate and support the intended idea?
- Are the encodings used perceptually effective?
- Is the data used comprehensively or augmented?
- Interaction support in solution (20%)
- Does the solution support comparison, selection, filtering, linking, etc? For non programmatic solutions this weight is added to expressiveness and effectiveness
- Report (20%)
- Does the report provide motivation for the visualization?
- Is there a clear description of the problem/tasks your visualization is attempting to solve?
- Is the choice of visual encodings explained and justified in terms of expressiveness of dataset attributes? Refer Chapter 5.4.1 in Munzner
- Is the choice of visual encoding explained and justified in terms of effectiveness of channels? Refer Chapter 5.4.1 in Munzner
- Finally, does the visualization accomplish solving the problem or tasks that were identified?
- Sample report 1 and Sample report 2 Note: The sample reports are provided for reference only, they should not be used as template for your reports.
- Bonus (up to 10%)
- Outstanding submissions may receive up to 10% bonus. Late submissions are not eligible for bonus points.
- Late submission Incurs 20% penalty after the deadline, there after additional 20% penalty per week. Final project must be submitted by deadline (no exceptions).
Submission Instructions
- All submissions must be made to the DSE Cohort-5 Data Cloud. In case of Group Submissions, just one of you need to submit the exercise, submission should clearly note names of all group members.
Submission setup
- Your accounts have been created with username as your email prefix and emails ending in For example if your email is your username is xyz
- Reset your account password at
- Upon login, visit the Data (Links to an external site.) page > Open the ‘Shared’ tab in left side bar
- Open the folder named “dse241-Your-Name”
- Submit your assignment as zipped file in corresponding ‘exercise-1’, ‘exercise-2’ …. folders
- All students must independently respond to Polls corresponding to the exercise
- Submission must include report in report format with content noted in grading rubric
- Submission must include a readme file with relevant instructions to run your visualization with all the required files and data.
- All exercises submissions are due on 1 am on the day of class.
- Submission shall be well organized structure as follows. (Do not zip the folder)
- Not following the submission format will result in 5% deduction of acheived exercise score after two infringments. This includes missing readme file, non working code.
exercise-N-firstname-lastname report.pdf index.html css/ style.css ... data/ data.json ... img/ logo.png ... js/ script.js ... other-folders-as-needed/ ...
- Report must be in PDF format and include items noted in the grading rubric above. Submissions without the report will not be graded.