Data Visualization - Winter 2021
Instructor: Amit Chourasia, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UCSD
Teaching assistant: Sagar Hathwar, Computer Science and Engineering, UCSD
Textbook Visualization Analysis and Design, Tamara Munzner (A K Peters Visualization Series, CRC Press, 2014)
Day 1 Jan 9, Day 2 Jan 23 , Day 3 Feb 6 , Day 4 Feb 20 , Day 5 Mar 6 , Day 6 - Finals Mar 13
Class time: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Lunch break: 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class schedule
Day 1 (Jan 9)
- Course structure and logistics
- Visualization overview and Motivation
- Review of historical visualizations (time permitting)
- Abstraction
- Marks and Channels
- Rules of thumb
- Lab (TA)
- Javascript
- D3JS
- Download tutorial material
Home work
- Readings: Chapter 4, 5
- Exercise 2
- Start developing final project proposal : identify dataset, create tasks
Day 2 (Jan 23)
Guest Lecture - Applying Color Theory to Visualization. Thersa-Marie Rhyne, Computer Graphics and Visualization Consultant.
Abstract: We provide an overview of the fundamentals of color theory and approaches to formulating your own colorization guide for visualization content creation Our journey includes the introduction to the concepts of color models and harmony, a review of color vision principles, the defining of color gamut, spaces and systems and demonstrating online and mobile apps for performing color analyses of digital media. Freely available commercial and research tools for your continued use in color selection and color deficiency assessments are highlighted.
- Colors suppliment
- Tables
- Network and Trees
- Lab: Tableau (TA)
Install Tableau software, see [licence information] on canvas.
Home work
- Reading - Chapter 10 (Map color and other channels)
- Exercise 3 & Exercise 4
- Final project proposal
Day 3 (Feb 6)
- Manipulate View
- Facets
- Reduction
- Lab: Plotly and Network X (TA) Download tutorial material
- Final project proposal presentations (By students) Presentation order
Home work
Day 4 (Feb 20)
- Focus and Context
- Spatial data
- Case study presentations (By students) - Presentation order TBD
- 11am-12pm DSE Guest lecture
- Case study presentations (By students) - Presentation order TBD
Home work
Day 5 (Mar 6)
- Scientific visualization methods
- Lab: VisIt Scientific Visualization Software (Instructor)
- Download and install VisIt for your Operating System as follows
- Linux, Windows and Mac OS Catalina and earlier. Install VisIt version 3.0.2 version (this is not the latest)
- Mac OS Catalina (10.15) download (Links to an external site.) VisIt 3.14 version
- Mac OS Big Sur (11.x) - VisIt does not yet work on this OS, find another laptop or setup a virtual machine with any other supported operating system
- Download Sample data ~200 mb. Unzip and move to your Desktop.
- Download Comet host file. Unzip and move this file to ~/.visit/hosts (on linux, mac) or ~/Documents/VisIt/hosts (on windows)
- Visit CSV to Binary Example
- Download and install VisIt for your Operating System as follows
- 11am-12pm DSE Guest lecture
- DSE 241 Guest Lecture: Immersive Visualization for Surgical Planning Jurgen Schulze, Director - Immersive Visualization Center, Qualcomm Institute, UCSD
Abstract: Radiological imaging has been part of standard of care for decades. There have been many advances and innovation in the realm of data visualization. Although this has immensely increased the diagnostic capabilities, we can further the impact of this innovation and use the technology as a tool by utilizing state of the art virtual and augmented reality devices. This talk will explore ways to use our software tool to enhance surgical planning and the training of surgery residents. But this is also a tool to engage patients and increase their level of comfort with upcoming procedures.
- Lab (Continued): VisIt Scientific Visualization Software (Instructor)
Home work
Day 6 - Final exam (Mar 13)
Final project presentations by students Presentation order
Course Grading
Grade calculation will be as follows
- 65% - Exercises
- 5% - Final project proposal
- 30% - Final project
Class policy
- Attendance is mandatory
- Must complete final project
Guest Lecturers
- Applying Color Theory to Visualization - Thersa-Marie Rhyne, Computer Graphics and Visualization Consultant
- Immersive Visualization for Surgical Planning - Jurgen Schulze, Director - Immersive Visualization Center, Qualcomm Institute, UCSD