Instructor: Alin Deutsch, Prof. in Computer Science and Engineering Dept, deutsch [at] cs [dot] ucsd [dot] edu, office CSE 3238, office hours 4:00-5:00pm on class days
TA: Ainur Smagulova, graduate student in CSE, asmagulo [at] eng [dot] ucsd [dot] edu
Please sign up here for the course’s Piazza page for regular announcements and a discussion board.
Slides and handouts can be found on the class plan page.
Videos for DSE 250 can be found at Panopto
Relational DB Refresher
If you would like to refresh your understanding of relational databases and SQL, we strongly recommend the following series of free, self-paced online mini-courses from Stanford’s database lab. Please make sure to cover at least the mini-courses entitled INTRODUCTION AND RELATIONAL DATABASES, SQL, and RELATIONAL ALGEBRA.