Table of Contents


GitHub Account

A private GitHub repository have been setup for your course work. You need a GitHub account in order to access the private GitHub repository. Create a GitHub account by going to Once you have a GitHub account, complete the form at so we can add your GitHub account to your private GitHub repository. You should receive an invitation from GitHub asking you to join the private repository after we have reviewed the form submissions.

Install Git

Install Git on your computer using the following directions:

Generate and Add SSH key to GitHub

Ubuntu and Windows+WSL:


Clone your MAS-DSE Private GitHub Repository

Complete the Generate and Add SSH key to GitHub instructions before attempting to clone your MAS-DSE Private GitHub Repository.

1. Go to and confirm you see and have access to a personal private repository. The repository name should follow “year-username”.

2. Open your repository, find the “Code” button and copy the clone “https” url.

3. In your local terminal, type the command in red to clone your empty private GitHub repository. You will need to substitute with the copied URL for your private repository from step 2.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'REPOSITORY_NAME'...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done.

4. Type the command in red to enter the local clone of your private GitHub repository. Replace REPOSITORY_NAME with the name of your repository, which should be your E-mail username.



Permission denied (publickey)

If you receive a Permission denied (publickey) error see the following: